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Autumn & Winter
Class Schedule

        * * * Autumn & Winter 2024-2025 CLASS SCHEDULE * * *
The Open Classroom                                            Judie Solomon
 Cross Stitch, Samplers, Hardanger, Pulled Thread, Drawn Thread --
 Charted and Painted Canvaswork/Needlepoint -- and More!  For all
 levels -- beginners on up are welcome.  Please let us know in advance
 of your interest.
	Tuesdays, September 3 - March 25 (except December 24 & 31); 1-3pm
	Thursdays, September 5 - March 27 (except November 28, December 26,
                                                  January 2); 10am-12n
	                                                     $8.00 per week
	Private lessons are available by appointment only
	for $20.00 per hour.
Advance registration is required.
A waiting list will be maintained for each class as needed.
If a registered student is unable to attend one week, she must give us
24 hours notice.
If a one-time slot opens, a person on the waiting list will be offered
that one-time class and she will thereafter go back to the top of the
waiting list.
Masks completely covering the nose and mouth are optional.
Class Registration:
1) Class fee is payable at each class
2) Class size is limited: minimum -- 4 students
                          maximum -- 8 students
3) If the classes listed above fill, other times and days will be added
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Thistle Needleworks - Wethersfield CT